Paint the Day Red
It's red shirt day in the UP. No, it's not because of Valentines Day. Rather, it's because the students are rallying against the P 357 million budget cut. Funny how red could mean both love and activism. Here at the UP we celebrate the season of love by staging protests against the government.
Activism aside, love is really in the air. You can see it everywhere. Flowers, balloons, chocolates, haranas... you know, the usual valentine cliches that you get every February 14. Who can blame them? It's only once a year that you get to formally celebrate love, so why not make the best of it? I may not have a date this valentines but at least I get to celebrate it with one of my special someones. Meet Ate Leeann. My ever-so beautiful sister who, once in a while, has PMS written all over her face. It's her birthday today. My sisters are so lucky. They get to have their birthdays in cool dates. My other sister, Joyce, was born on New Year's Eve.
Anyway to all you guys out there: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!