After setting the thermostat of the AC to a tolerable temperature I got into bed hoping to doze off into semi-conscious bliss. Instead, I ended up staring blankly at the ceiling. I can't get myself to sleep so I decided to check up on Crescense. She was still sleeping. I sat down on the couch for a while watching Power Zone and then got back up. It was already early morning and yet I couldn't get myself to sleep so whilst under my covers I played Snake on my cell. Game after game I ended up dying without reaching the 800 marker. I used to be good at this but then again I'm getting older. After numerous resets I grew tired of playing so later I indulge myself by listening to the numerous ring tones in my cell. Satisfied, after hearing 30 monotones played over and over again, I placed my mobile down beside me and closed my eyes.
3:00 a.m. - I was already in the dream world when suddenly Crescense started crying. I was expecting this to happen because for two days this has been her routine. She would wake up, do her thing, sniff around, yelp... and then yelp some more. She would stop once she gets tired then she'll go back to sleep. I waited for her yelping to stop. It did actually quite sooner then I expected. Again I dozed off to dream world.
5:00 a.m. - Sad-eyed pup began to cry again and this time she won't stop. Her sharp cry kept ringing in my head and I was quite annoyed because I hadn't had sufficient sleep yet. In my mind I kept saying, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" It came to a point that I cried those words aloud. She kept on going so I decided to bear the situation and try to sleep.
These happens every after a two hour interval and she's very consistent at it. At first I figured that she was crying because she's looking for her mother. I was wrong. Her crying could only mean one thing, bathroom check. What is it with dogs and the places they frequent to excrete their excrements. I understand their need to mark their territory but why not do it on a newspaper and make our lives so much easier. I later realized that we can't complain about these things because when we adopted the puppy we took on a responsibility. It's like having a baby. You need to nurture, care, and train it. Come to think of it, maybe Crescense could teach me a thing or two on parenthood and prepare me to become a responsible adult. Well, maybe not!