Sem Break!!!

7 months of Spanish Colonialism, American Imperialism, and Japanese Fascism....
7 months of outlining, precis writing, and paraphrasing...
7 months of philosophical analysis, fallacious arguments, and ethics...
7 months of stratification, mobility, and deviance...
7 months of functions, equations, and logarithms...

After 7 months of mild brain damage in UP... who wouldn't look forward to sem break... and (drum roll please) it's finally here... nyahahaha

I still have one thing to worry about before I celebrate... REMOVALS!!!

Math... the dreaded subject. Who created it anyway??? And why does it have to be so important??? How do i hate thee? Let me count the ways. I hate thee to the depth and breadth and height...yadayadayada... you get the idea.. It's the one subject I detest the most. It would have been my favorite but too bad it ain't. I bet there is a manual for math geniuses out there... sooner or later you will find me reading "The Idiots Guide to Math." It's my fault though, if only I was attentive when my HS teacher taught math I wouldn't be complaining right now.

I have failed the first and second departmental exams in Math so basically I wouldn't be so surprised if I would fail in my succeeding exams. This Wednesday we had our finals and before we started answering the questionnaire, our prof handed out the results of our third dept exam. When I got my booklet I didn't even want to look at it but I could remember taking a glimpse only to find out that..... I PASSED!!! My heart was beating fast then. It was if I witnessed a miracle. My legs wanted to jump and my lungs wanted to shout woohoo but I just smiled and thanked God. The finals is not that bad but i'm crossing my fingers and praying that God would make a miracle out of my final exam and somehow redeem me from taking the removals. I could only hope.

[Sountrip: Jason Mraz - Curbside Prophet]
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